More and more users prefer the retailer’s site to marketplaces but it remains strategic to preside over social networks and integrate their potential on the online shop.
With the advent but above all the spread of social commerce, the main social networks have researched and introduced new elements that offer the possibility for users to finalize the purchase directly on the platform, without any interruption in the purchase flow and therefore without the need to land on the seller’s site. From Facebook and Instagram to Pinterest for example, there has been a real race for innovation with the aim of offering a simple, intuitive and immersive shopping experience within the social networks themselves.
Although these platforms present themselves to consumers as alternative and effective sales channels, most users continue to prefer finalizing the purchase at the seller’s site. In fact, according to the data collected by Bizrate Insights’ Facebook Flash Survey, only 18.7% of the buyers interviewed declared that they had paid through the checkout of a social platform compared to 57.8% who completed the transaction on the retailer’s website.
These data confirm the increasingly widespread trend of preferring social channels for research and above all for the evaluation of a product, perhaps thanks to the shopping experience of other users.
According to the report, this trend would also seem to be confirmed for 2021 and it is therefore important that companies consider the preferences expressed by consumers. How to behave then? Social networks continue to be strategic tools for your online positioning and therefore are absolutely not to be avoided. It is therefore necessary to monitor these channels and find the most correct way to enhance their e-commerce without replacing it.
So how to combine social features and at the same time finalize the purchase within your e-commerce platform? By integrating social networks directly on your online shop. In this way, companies are able to have full control of the sales flows and volumes generated by e-commerce and the users who land on the site, being able to create a direct relationship with their customers. Worldz’s innovative software is able to transform your e-commerce into a social commerce and revolutionize the shopping experience of your customers.
Thanks to the behavioral overlay of Worldz, in fact, you accompany the user throughout the purchase funnel, offering him a personalized discount and a series of useful information that can encourage him to finalize the purchase. In fact, through the social login the user will be able to discover the value of their social popularity and to redeem their discount directly in the checkout, simply share the shopping experience on their social profile. Furthermore, through the User Friends and the Social Product, users can know if friends, belonging to their Facebook or Instagram circle, have already used the service and above all how many people have purchased, shared or viewed that specific product.