Worldz news

Revolutionize the concept of social advertising with Worldz

24 August 2020



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Find out how to advertise your products without category restrictions. With Worldz, your customers will talk about you on social networks, creating organic word of mouth and increasing the brand awareness of your online shop.
A new way of doing social advertising!

Through social advertising, companies are able to increase their visibility on social networks and establish a one-to-one relationship with users on the network. This new way of advertising perfectly meets the needs of consumers, who are increasingly active online and looking for personalized content.

Consequently, it is important that brands carefully choose the strategy with which to launch into the market, and therefore on which social platforms to be present and on which contents and target users to invest. Today, advertising campaigns on Facebook and Instagram are very effective and for this reason they are the preferred channels for companies. According to the data that emerged from the Internet Media Observatory of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano , in 2019 online advertising had reached a growth of 9%. Unlike in 2020, there was a real downturn, linked primarily to the health crisis and consequently to the budget restrictions that many companies have found themselves facing.

It is therefore evident that the approach of brands towards advertising is gradually changing and there is a tendency to put the accent on some aspects – before and often – underestimated: one of these certainly the lack of approval of an advertisement, by of Facebook. For example, it may happen that some types of advertisements on Facebook are not approved by the system or are approved only temporarily, to be finally blocked at a later time. This can happen for different reasons: one of these is related to the promotion of products, the sponsorship of which is prohibited, as they belong to specific categories (such as supplements, alcoholic beverages, tobacco, products subject to medical prescription, etc).

Due to these limitations, some brands may be at a disadvantage compared to others, based on the type of product sold. In fact, it happens that these companies cannot advertise their articles with Facebook or Instagram and consequently cannot show them on social channels, unless these are independently shared by users, thus exceeding the existing limit.

Worldz’s software has literally revolutionized the concept of social advertising, allowing users to share purchased products and recommend them to their follower friends, receiving in exchange a personalized discount based on the social popularity of their profile. The advantage for brands lies in the organic word of mouth that will allow them to acquire brand awareness on the platforms that are less accessible.

But the advantages offered by Worldz are not limited only to giving visibility on social networks to the product categories that cannot be sponsored. In fact, Worldz is an e-commerce booster that also works on 3 other aspects:

  1. Client Retention: Worldz is able to engage users who are about to leave the site through a behavioral overlay , that is a customizable pop-up that reacts based on the behavior of the user in order to implement a client retention strategy;
  2. Lead Generation: the social login (Facebook or Instagram) through the Worldz overlay allows you to track users who land on the site and consequently generate profiled leads. In this way, the online shop is offered the possibility of carrying out targeted marketing campaigns that allow it to increase the visibility of the brand and reach specific targets.
  3. Online Re-marketing: The information obtained on the generated leads allows e-commerce partners to subsequently send the tracked users reminder via email and Facebook push notification.

Do not place any limits on your advertising on social networks. Discover the new way to sponsor your products, thanks to Worldz!