E-commerce trends

Made in Italy also focuses on digital and e-commerce as an effective response to the new economic scenario

3 November 2020



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Digital export would seem to be the 2.0 version of Italian exports (and not only) and it is necessary to embrace technologies, as e-commerce, capable of facilitating its growth

The Covid-19 health emergency and the lockdown have had a significant impact on various sectors of the national economy, and beyond. In fact, the export sector was also strongly affected, finding itself having to accelerate its digitization process, often postponed over time. Digital and e-commerce seem to be confirmed as key elements of the economy and necessary tools to address the new generations of consumers.

To respond as quickly and effectively to the new economic-social scenario, Made in Italy and in particular SMEs had to embrace the world of e-commerce, thus being able to discover the many advantages for the growth of the sector. Suffice it to say that today SMEs represent over 90% of Italian companies and generate over 50% of exports. And despite holding a position of great influence in the Italian economy, they have not immediately embraced digital innovation (Source: Foreign Trade Report ). According to a survey carried out by Promos Italia (out of a sample of 399 SMEs) 49% of these have increased their use of the digital channel following the health emergency and 66.9% expect to see a further development of digital exports in the next three years. These were necessary choices: just think that 7.9% of the sample recorded an increase in online sales between 0% and 5%.

However, digital investment requires the integration of elements capable of overcoming the initial difficulties faced by companies in online sales. It is therefore important to offer – for example – a customer journey that makes the shopping experience intuitive and personalized. In this sense, the trend of Social Commerce is slowly carving out an important role, thanks to the integration of the functions of social networks, already widespread and known, within the e-commerce platforms.
Did you know that there is a tool that can transform your e-commerce into a Social Commerce in a few clicks? Worldz is a software that allows you to give your customers a personalized discount proportional to their social popularity, in exchange for a social post about the product they have purchased.

Our e-commerce booster mainly performs three actions:

Client Retention: Worldz is able to engage users who are about to leave the site through a behavioral overlay, a customizable interface that reacts based on the user’s navigation

Social Sharing: Worldz accompanies users along the funnel, encouraging purchases through a personalized discount, calculated on the basis of its social popularity. The user must log in to their Facebook or Instagram profile, through the Worldz overlay, and share the shopping experience. The discount will automatically unlock in the cart

Lead Generation: the social login (Facebook or Instagram) through the Worldz overlay allows you to track users who land on the site and consequently generate profiled leads. In this way, the online shop is offered the possibility of carrying out targeted marketing campaigns that allow it to increase the visibility of the brand and reach specific targets.