Marketing insights

Digitization and advertising: here are the benefits of these tools for the eCommerce sector

14 July 2020



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In the post lockdown phase it is important to continue investing in digital. Like? Discover Worldz’s proprietary technology for eCommerce

The lockdown made brands and consumers understand that the future of  retail  lies in the eCommerce sector. Thanks to digital and its strategic use, companies can achieve important goals: this would testify why investment in digital is a constantly growing trend.

It is therefore important for the eCommerce to create an omnichannel ecosystem and to place the consumer, his needs and his degree of satisfaction at the center of the process. The target? Being able to win customer loyalty so as to induce him to prefer that brand to other companies and other equivalent products. Over the years, brands have found themselves having to choose increasingly innovative communication and marketing strategies that respond to current trends and events. Precisely with the advent of social channels, investment in the advertising sector has increased exponentially.

Just think of the average time spent by a user on social media , equal to 2 hours and 16 minutes a day, which is equivalent to one third of the time spent on the internet. It is precisely to combine social media and online shopping that it is becoming an increasingly widespread trend among brands and also a suitable tool for expanding the target audience. These tools in fact offer a double advantage to the company that is able not only to reach an increasingly wider audience and in a less expensive way than other marketing techniques but also to monitor and optimize the results of the campaigns implemented.

With traditional advertising tools or rather offline marketing, brands risk intercepting and reaching a user possibly not in target, wasting time and budget. With online advertising, on the other hand, it is possible to create targeted advertising, more productive and able to convert users more easily.

In the so-called Phase 2 it will therefore be essential to readjust one’s online marketing and communication strategies, working on contents and messages, which can better respond to the change in consumer habits and trends. How?

  • Use reassuring messages and tones that make brands feel close to their customers, sharing the desire to return to normality in compliance with the measures established by ministerial decrees;
  • Provide a multi-channel communication strategy, which makes your channels (e-shop, social channels, App, newsletter) easily usable in order to facilitate interaction;
  • Introduce a mobile advertising strategy that allows the brand to connect directly with its users.

The health emergency has revealed how most Italian companies and entrepreneurs – despite their predisposition to digitization – have been caught unprepared. Those who have continued to believe and invest in this sector have been able to enjoy a strategic positioning on the digital stage and, why not, also increase their business.

This testifies to how essential it is to invest in advertising. Being a constantly evolving area, new trends also gradually emerge such as the gradual preference for influencers but in a specific direction: “people-powered marketing”. Companies are increasingly inclined to rely more on ordinary people than on social media celebrities, as they are able to create more spontaneous and genuine content. The advantage? The improvement of its brand awareness and higher customer loyalty rates.

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