Marketing insights

5 useful tips to make your e-commerce more social

4 May 2020



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Here are the Worldz tips that will allow you to promote your e-commerce and increase its performance.

Today, those who have an e-commerce cannot help but be on social networks. Being present on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest does not only mean being in step with the times but is a real must to develop your business. About 3.8 billion people (about half of the world’s population) regularly use social networks, according to data that emerged from We are social’s 2020 Digital Report.

These platforms represent the main source of inspiration for users: real virtual showcases through which they can learn about brands, buy or find information on products and share their shopping experience.

Social commerce, version 2.0 of online commerce, is therefore a constantly evolving trend. This winning combination of social network & e-commerce makes us understand how important it is for brands to keep themselves constantly updated in order to meet the needs of users through quality content and presenting themselves as a simple and direct sales tool.

Today there are three main platforms on which you can invest to make your e-commerce more social: Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest. The first is able to ensure a mass audience, provide tools suitable for targeted advertising and, more generally, generate traffic to e-commerce.

Instagram, on the other hand, is a channel that allows you to build your own visual storytelling through Stories that allow you to engage users with content, instant discount codes or through sponsored posts or even the shopping tag, which allows you to access information on prices and products directly from the Instagram feed.

This brief vademecum contains 5 useful tips on how to make your e-commerce more social and thus be able to increase your online sales:

  • Integrate social platforms with your website (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)
  • Invite users to share their shopping experience and / or products purchased on social networks
  • Create engaging content to tell your products on social channels
  • Activate social campaigns to increase the visibility and traffic of your online shop
  • Facilitate the shopping experience by making the site responsive from mobile

What if we told you that there is a tool that can do all this for you?

Worldz, an Italian digital startup founded by Joshua Priore, has developed a platform for e-commerce and websites capable of enhancing the performance of e-commerce, generating traffic and brand awareness.

Worldz allows you to increase the performance of your website thanks to a behavioral overlay that aims to engage the user who is browsing the e-commerce. How? Thanks to a proprietary algorithm, it is able to calculate, in a qualitative-quantitative way, the economic value of a user’s social popularity to allow them to shop online with a dedicated discount.

Once landed on the favorite online shop, the user must log in to their Facebook or Instagram profile through the Worldz overlay, find out the economic value associated with their popularity, and share the shopping experience on their social profile to automatically unlock the discount in the cart.

The social login, through the Worldz overlay, also allows you to generate profiled leads by offering the online shop the opportunity to carry out targeted marketing campaigns that increase brand visibility and reach specific targets.

But as online commerce evolves, users’ habits change in the same way and with the same speed. Among the most recent and interesting data, the predisposition of users to surf more from mobile than from desktop emerges because it is more in line with the need to make everything faster and just a click away.

Thanks to its behavioral overlay and adaptation in the mobile version, Worldz contributes to making your e-commerce “mobile-friendly” that is, easily accessible, fast and graphically appealing for users. These elements allow, together with the overlay, to optimize the user experience and maximize the stay of users on the site, leading them towards the conclusion of the purchase.

To date, the platform has a customer portfolio of over 100 eCommerce partners, including Breil, Hip Hop Watches and many others.